You’re Invited to The Chapter


Gather for The Chapter

The Chapter exists to serve Nashotah House alumni, supporters, and friends. The goal is to provide continuing education and theological dialogue that reflects the many voices within the Anglican tradition. 

View rare books from the Underwood Collection

Named after the donor Mr. Walter S. Underwood, the Underwood Prayer Book Collection is a special collection of rare prayer books. High-resolution scans are available for Chapter Members to view.


Give back

Consider supporting Nashotah House. Your generous donations help to support persons for lay and ordained ministry in the Catholic Tradition of Anglican Christianity. This is only possible because of supporters like you.

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Contribute to The Chapter

The Chapter covers faith, culture, and intentional living. Our readership is looking for purpose, depth, and spiritual truth. Our mission is to challenge people to go further in their spiritual journey, live selflessly and intentionally, care about positively influencing the world around them, and find the unexpected places God is speaking in ministry, life, music, and culture.

Send us your story or submit a feature for The Chapter. Contact us at